An Online Group Training For Men - Connecting to the Mature Masculine Archetypes, Exploring The Subconscious Mind & Creating A Greater Understanding Of The Self For Accessing Higher Potential & Gifts.










Welcome Fellow Tribesmen to The Awaken The Mature Masculine Archetypes training page.

Here is your opportunity to read up on what this course will entail.

I am assuming if you have found your way to this page, you are someone like me - A man who is keen to know himself on a much deeper level, someone who is committed to working on becoming the best version of themselves. Not only are you finding ways to overcome your perceived limitations, but you are also working on your strengths too - activating a greater sense of self and unlocking your potential to share with the world.

Every one of us has limitless potential, a capacity to be more than we are today. And not that we shouldn't be content with who we are, or shame ourselves for what we are not, it is just as conscious beings on our journeys of growth and development, we are more than aware we are capable of so much more. The main obstacles that stand in our way are not other people or circumstances, they are the limitations of our minds.

These limitations come in the form of negative thought patterns, self-belief and self-esteem issues, trauma and outdated programming from our younger years, a loss of a sense of self and unprocessed feelings and emotions that are weighing us down, a combination of these can leave us feeling lost, depressed, angry and disconnected from the greatness of our own life. It's effecting our mental health, our work, our home life and relationships. We know we are destined for more, and yet we are blocking ourselves from it, falling back into old ways of being that are no longer serving us or our loved ones - leading us to more pain, shame, regret and stress.

Don't worry - We are all human, every one of us has been subjected to some kind of experience that, through a need to feel safe and loved, has programmed our minds to play small, keep safe and stay in our comfort zone (no matter how uncomfortable they may be). All we need is the necessary tools to create lasting change. Once we can understand our minds and programming better, we can start to overcome any obstacle, excuse or limitation we have previously put in the way in the name of staying safe.

I personally use these techniques any time I find myself limiting my capacity or showing up in a less than desirable way. I have cherry-picked the most effective tools I have found in my NLP Life Coaching and Shamanic Healing journey, that I have witnessed making life-changing shifts in my client's world.

I want to show you the tools that can not only aid you in overcoming the despair that accompanies a life unrealised but also empower you to go forward in life with a deeper understanding of who you are, what you are made of and what you are capable of. This means more joy, more love, more achievements, greater success and the potential to leave a lasting legacy of inspiration, as you impact the world with all that you are here for.

It is clear to me, that the world needs more men showing up in this way, as the ripple effects are tangible in our lives and with those we interact with.

Thanks for taking the time to read, find out more below, I look forward to hearing from you.


This course combines Carl Jung's Theory of The Collective Unconscious & The Archetypal Mind, Modern-day Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques, Life Coaching & The Esoteric Shamanic Medicine Wheel, to create a powerful 6-week course for Men wanting to deepen their understanding of the Self - the many parts of their psyche, how to release or break negative behaviours and mindsets, to activate and align the 4 Masculine Archetypes and apply this towards a more powerful, purposeful and harmonious way of being.

The Human Mind is the most powerful tool known to man, and yet so much of its potential escapes us. Most of us get into our adult years never really knowing what is going on inside our own minds - what is happening beneath the surface. We find ourselves repeating behaviours that are less than desireable. We say things like "I don't know why I keep doing this." or "I keep having these same negative thoughts, I don't seem to be able to shake".

Over 90% of our daily processes are happening in the subconscious mind, much of which was programmed as children and no one has given us a road map or blueprint to what this programming looks like, all we can see is how these auto-pilot thoughts and behaviours are impacting our day to day lives. We know we want to change for the better, but all the self-help books and meditation don't seem to be changing me at the root or core. 

We know we want to be better to be prepared - emotionally, mentally and spiritually grounded & mature - with a firm foundation & understanding to grow, serve & create from, but first we must be brave enough to explore the depths of our mind.


It's time to harness your greatest asset for the betterment of Yourself, Your Tribe & The World Beyond ... 

We will deepen our understanding of The 4 Masculine Archetypes - their shadow sides, their passive & aggressive tendencies, how to balance those energies and how they show up in our lives, so we are able to identify our shortcomings and correct them, strengthen and remove any negative habits and thought patterns blocking our truest, most authentic expression.



The Archetypes are symbolic characters, deep in our subconscious, encoded in our DNA and ever-present in our psyche. This is clear throughout history within the myths, stories, dreams, religions and movies, that we have all been exposed to. These archetypes are here for good reason. Once we bring awareness to these parts of our subconscious, we are able to utilize their functions properly. Understanding how and why they have been blocking our potential, unlocking those blocks, healing any traumas and progressing in life with greater ease, enjoyment and wisdom.

"Unlocking your highest potential is the greatest gift to our Planet."

- Joe Aston



This is your inner Ruler. The part of you responsible for the well-being of your Tribe, both internal and external.  Accessing the Chief will aid in accountability, responsibility, decisiveness, fairness, boundaries, openness, resilience, strength, integrity and other great leadership qualities needed to attain personal greatness, for the betterment of all.


Harnessing the powerful Hunter - your get-up and go! A balanced Hunter will aid in motivation, drive, purpose, power, hustle, ingenuity, graft, assertiveness, focus, abundance, righteousness, morality, trust and ethics. With the Hunter in alignment you are a powerful, energized force for good. With the trusty hunter on your side you will be able to achieve your goals.


The Forager is your most feminine of the archetypes. A powerful force to balance out our masculine energies. When your Forager is in alignment you are able to access higher realms of love, compassion, creativeness, joy, pleasure, playfulness, passion, respect, generosity, gratitude, emotional maturity, vulnerability and freedom. Grounded to the earth, you are able to see, feel and express yourself more deeply.


Summon your inner Shaman, who is here to guide you. Building a healthy relationship with your wise, intuitive and connected Shaman, is the greatest way to unlock your potential, remove mental blockages, craft a meaningful vision for your life, heal your wounds, heal the world, manifest your dreams, expand your knowledge and help others. This is your gateway to the unknown, unseen, potentially dark and otherwise spiritual aspects of the human psyche.

What is included?

6 Weekly Masterclasses via Zoom, 6 Pre-Recorded Lessons, Meditations, Group Sharing & Closing Ceremony


Educational Weekly Workbooks, Journalling Prompts & Homework 


Community Platform & Support Network via Telegram


This this is a 6-week training to support your personal development and will be a transformative journey for those ready to meet and live their highest potential. 

Saturday 1st April - Saturday 13th May

(with a 1 week break 22nd April)

* Masterclasses will be live on Saturday Mornings 9am, 





Payment Plan: 3 Monthly Payments of £148 


Sign Me Up!

What to Expect - 

This 6-week group training will support you to: 

  • Understand the 4 main masculine archetypes - the Chieftan, the Hunter, the Forager and the Shaman
  • Bring the 4 archetypes into a healthy, balanced, activated state
  • Align and integrate all parts of yourself in order to create a happy and fulfilling life
  • Learn to release negative blocks & thought patterns.
  • Create stronger relationships with self & others
  • Become self-assured and empowered in all parts of your life
  • Become your own grounded & powerful leader 
  • Shift from old limiting beliefs & structures
  • Find a sense of belonging and wholeness - Find your Tribe.
  • Take responsibility for the wellbeing of yourself, your loved ones and the planet
  • Generate more drive, focus and determination.
  • Create a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

    GROUP TRAININGS HAVE A MUCH HIGHER SUCCESS RATE IN CREATING LONG-TERM CHANGE - so be prepared to show up & be held accountable by the brotherhood.
Using a combination of NLP coaching techniques, Shamanic Practices, Mindfulness and Carl Jung's Theory of Archetypes.

Together, we will shift from:

Wounded to Balanced

Immature to Mature

Boy to Man

Shadow to Activated

Naive to Responsible

Victim to Victor

Separate to Integrated

Self-Serving to Noble

Conflicted to Peaceful

Reactive to Responsive

Fear to Courage



Ali -

Although this was one of the biggest investments I've ever made in myself, there is not an ounce of regret in me having done it. I booked onto the course because, despite having all the things society tells us we ought to have (a house, family, a job, etc.) I'd found I'd lost my way in life and day-to-day stuff felt like I was only just 'surviving' as opposed to 'being' or 'living'. A heady cocktail of past trauma meant that anger management problems, low self-esteem and issues with shame were a massive burden on me, however having completed the course I now have a new-found sense of being, that I'm more my authentic self than ever before. I applied for a new promotion, something I'd never had the self-belief to do for over 10 years and my relationship has massively improved with my wife and children as well as with myself. Joe created a really safe-space in the live calls which immediately alleviated any anxieties of suddenly being thrown together with a new group of men. He strikes a really good balance between the more spiritual and practical aspects, creating content which is both interesting and genuinely appliable to everyday life. Although 'the work' is never over, I'm ridiculously grateful to Joe for providing such a strong foundation for me to build on. I'll definitely be working one-to-one with Joe in the future as part of this. 

Mark -

I have been very lucky to come across Joe and be able to join his Unlock the Inner Tribe course. The course really helped me to better understand myself and acquire more wisdom. Joe clearly is very knowledgeable and not just that he is simply a very amazing man who holds space for other men to discuss and help them analyse their own problems. He uses a very solid academic foundation including Carl Jung combined with his real life experience and does not shy away sharing his own struggles and problems. Joe has structured the course in manageable bite size chunks and the online setup really works very well. The course material is available before the class and video recording after. I can highly recommend Joe and his course! It is something you really owe yourself to participate in!

Lucas -

From the heart. Joe is an incredible space holder, leader, wayshower and gifted guide. This course with his leadership has created a profound difference in my life that I hold close to my chest. This course provides tools, upgrades in awareness and resources that will stay with me for my lifetime. I signed up to this course under the pretence that it would provide me with what I needed to make the leap from being a victim to a victor in life. To further embody the divine masculine excellence that Is at the core of my soul. Words are too linear to describe the wholeness of my gratitude and appreciation for this blessed offering. I can confidently say I am envisioning, actioning and creating my desired reality every single day. On a cellular level I feel at ease, relaxed knowing that I am swiftly towards my inspired destiny. Ocean deep gratitude. 
The course was above and beyond!
I had no difficulty following along - The teachings were clear and easy to use and accessible. Loved the guided meditations, going deep. The drumming element is new to me and very much appreciated. The community element was excellent. I feel very connected to the whole tribal essence of the course. The idea of going from victim to victor and taking responsibility. Moving from boy to a man. Overcome my addictions. Gain skills in NLP. Connect with the archetypes as presented. Cultivate practices that support my growth. Connect with a community of Men seeking betterment of self and the planet.  I would recommend this to every man on earth..
I’ve enjoyed connecting with the archetypes in my own personal way. The community element with the added humour and loving feel. 

Ash - 

Firstly, I have to applaud Joe for all that he’s done for me. He gives you his effort and his time.  The main reason for me doing the course was to gain more emotional intelligence, to not be as black and white and to be more understanding and I didn’t know it at the time, face my demons. Me and joe had a call before the course to make sure the course was right for me. I’m so glad we did. The course itself on a Saturday morning works within everyone’s diary I find and it set me up with positive energy for the weekend and the following week. The course itself really did have an impact on my life, by learning some aspects I’ve successfully managed to be an open book for a new relationship and also able to have conversations with more depth with people, while also facing demons that I didn’t really know I needed to, joe was very careful with this, and guided me in the right direction. 
The course booklet has everything you need and he also does lovely video recordings that he adds to each weekly workbook, I’m still going through the workbooks. The Timescale of the course overall and each session I thought was spot on in terms of it doesn’t overwhelm you. I would highly recommend this to most men, I feel like if you even have a general interest in it will open doors you never knew were there. All the guys on the course were great, and it’s kinda sad to not be in touch every Saturday with them but we have a messenger we can keep in touch on. Again, Joe did so much for me mentally, and spiritually, and I class him as a really good friend now and hope to continue a journey with him moving forward and using all I’ve learnt to keep improving. This isn’t just a course this is a tribe, this is a brotherhood. 


£444 or £744 with 1:1 Life Coaching

(Limited Spaces for 1:1 coaching)


  • Working with Joe 1:1 amplifies the potential for growth, allows for deeper integration and can create space for any healing, trauma release and mentoring outside of the container.


Yes Please!



A One Off Payment

  • Full Online Course



One Off Payment

  • Full online Course
  • 4 x 1:1 Coaching Sessions 90mins.



PCM x 3

  • Full online Course
  • 3 x Monthly Payments

About Your Guide

Joe Harry Aston 

Shamanic Life Coach

Joe is a men's work facilitator, NLP life coach and trainer, and shamanic practitioner,

After struggling with bouts of depression for many years, Joe found his way to personal healing, through a multitude of self improvement, healing practices that completely changed his life and mindset.

After 10 years working with men (as a barber) it became ever-clear how much this work is needed.

Joe is now devoted to supporting men with the modalities and practices that have supported him.

Our external world
is a reflection of
our internal domain.

- Joe Aston